Dalio wishes everyone wrote down their principles, that he’d love to look at the principles of powerful and successful people to see what he can learn from them. See what they value, what principles got them where they are.The important questions about Principles to Dalio:What are principles...
全球最大投资基金Bridgewater创始人Ray Dalio所恪守的投资原则 热度: 桥水基金 ray dalio 2011《原则》 北京大学内部版 热度: Ray Dalio 《Principles》 热度: Principles 原则 byRayDalio By雷•达利奥 译较:张景止 2012年12月 联系方式:loyaltiest@qq ...
原文可参考:原文可参考:原文可参考:http://.economicprinciples/http://.economicprinciples/http://.economicprinciples/ 经济的运行如同机器的运行,而且本质上来说,经济是相对比较简单的机器,但是很经济的运行如同机器的运行,而且本质上来说,经济是相对比较简单的机器,但是很经济的运行如同机器的运行,而且本质上来说...
Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, wrote Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises in which he shares his unique template for how debt crises work and principles for dealing with them well. This template allowed his firm, Bridgewater Associates, to anticipa...
Ray Dalio_经济周期的三大趋势 星级: 21 页 Ray Dalio讲投资 星级: 3 页 Ray Dalio 星级: 21 页 principles by ray dalio 星级: 123 页 Ray_Dalio_经济周期的三大趋势 星级: 21 页 原则-Ray Dalio 星级: 6 页 采样率转换在声频过采样中的应用 星级: 4 页 金融大鳄Ray Dalio坚持冥想42年 ...
原文地址:http://www./Uploads/FileManager/Principles/Bridgewater-Associates-Ray-Dalio-Principles.pdf 中文版仅供翻译学习用,特此说明。 目录: 介绍 Part 1: 原则的重要性 Part 2: 生命中多数适用的基本原则 Part 3:我的管理原则 以上三个章节既可以独立阅读,又可以作为一个整体学习阅读。Part 1是关于在日常中...
桥水基金的创始人和首席投资官Ray Dalio凭借桥水基金的优异业绩、浸淫全球宏观市场数十年的深刻洞见,以及《原则》和《债务危机》两本书,一本解释个人生活工作原则,一本则从宏观角度解释一个经济体的运行规律,赢得了市场的追捧和读者的喜爱。 他在领英上发布了最新系列的研究“Changing World Order”,这次超脱出个人和...
Economic Principles Ray Dalio explains why economic cycles occur by breaking down concepts such as credit, interest rates, leveraging and deleveraging. Learn More Sign up to receive news, information, and special offers. First Name Last Name Email I'm Interested in the following updates from ...
内容提示: Principles 原则 by Ray Dalio By 雷•达利奥 译较: 张景止 2012 年 12 月 联系方式: loyaltiest@qq.com What follows are three distinct parts that can be read either independently or as a connected whole. Part 1 is about the purpose and importance of having principles in general, ...
我总能感受到他为了实现自己的目标,不断深入金融的世界,疯狂地实践Ray Dalio指出的Principles(原则)...