作者称这个极端解释为the Strict Mandatory Maximizing, that all social policies not covered by prior principles are to maximally benefit the least advantaged. 首先,作者反驳说,有很多政策并不适合用差别原则来评估:如外交政策、基础设施建设、离婚法律等等。 其次,作者认为我们要理解差别原则被提出的目的。差别原...
两个可能的修正:1.区分出两种比较,在第二种比较中的对象是混合的正义观,即用受到最低受惠值约束的功利原则取代差异原则【Rawls在Justice as fairness, A restatement一书中实践了这一想法,在那里他还强调了差别原则与极端风险厌恶的关联】,这突出了有关基本自由的论证更强。2.在产权民主(property-owning democracy)...
Nwagbara, Rufus GodswillOrji, Chidi PaulIgwebuike Journal: An African Journal of Arts & Humanities
因此,罗尔斯认为福利国家资本主义——尽管它提供了体面的社会最低限度,也不符合两个正义原则(the two principles of justice)。一个确保政治自由的公平价值、提供实质性的机会平等,并将不平等限制在有利于最不利者的社会,必须拥有不同的政治经济架构。罗尔斯认为有两种合理的可能性:一种是有组织的自由民主社会主义形式...
3) Rawls 罗尔斯 1. JohnRawlsCriticism to Utilitarianism; 罗尔斯对功利主义的批判及当代意义 2. How Did I ResearchRawls?; 我是如何研究罗尔斯的? 3. A Realistic Thinking to the Principles of Justice ofRawlsin Building of Harmonious Society;
3.A Realistic Thinking to the Principles of Justice ofRawlsin Building of Harmonious Society;和谐社会建设中对罗尔斯正义原则的现实思考 6)John Rawls罗尔斯 1.Consideration of justice on the limit for enterprise year-wage participation of China——Based onJohn Rawlss Second Principal;我国企业年金参与限制...
In “Theory of Justice,” Rawls (1971) made an effort to formulate social justice principles. Rawls referred to his idea of social fairness as “Justice as Fairness”. The first principle focuses on political institutions, and the second one concentrates on social and economic institutions. ...
11.The Theory of Social Justice: A Comparison between Harsanyi and Rawls;社会正义理论:豪尔绍尼与罗尔斯的比较 12.On Rawls Struggle for the Reconciliation of the Freedom and Equality-the Understanding of Rawls Two Principles of Justice;论罗尔斯对自由与平等的调和——对罗尔斯的两个正义原则的解读 13....
他的讲课基于Rawls在本书中提出的理论,所以找到这本书。Justic或平等主义(egalitarian)不同于utilitarism, which leads to the tyranny of majority. According to Rawls,there are 2 principles of j... (展开) 1 1 0回应 理一分殊 2021-03-14 09:36:03 中国社会科学出版社2009版 J·纳维森:罗尔斯与...
principles of justiceliberal societiesSocial ontology does not drive political theory as axioms drive a theorem, but it can have an important shaping or constraining effect; this fits with Rawls's idea that our views on normative and related topics should be in 'wide reflective equilibrium' This ...