A lot of honey found in the supermarket is not raw honey but "commercial" regular honey, some of which has been pasteurized (heated at 70 degrees Celsius or more) for easy filtering and bottling so that it looks cleaner and smoother, more appealing on the shelf, and easier to handle and...
Raw honeyRegular honeyPhytochemicalMicrobiologicalANTIBACTERIALHEALTHASSAYThis research was aimed to investigate and evaluate the phytochemical, physicochemical, sensory, microbiological and pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anticancer, anti-elastase, anti-melanogenic and anti-tyrosinase activity in ...
I wrote about thedifferences between raw honey and pure honey, about what isorganic versus regular honey, and what it takes to be consideredorganic honey. It’s difficult these days to find raw organic honey. In case you miss the articles, please read them, it helps in understanding this a...
(HK Embark, a grain-free turkey recipe, is their main course at the moment), their pre-mixHK Preference, or one of their supplements, which sprinkles easily onto meat if not mixed into wet food. I had never planned on such an expensive brand becoming a regular part of their diet, but...
together so that’s why we’re including that in the recipe. And then I guess salt constitutes a dry ingredient. So we’re going to be using I believe it’s ¾ of a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt which is what I always use. I don’t use regular table salt. Sea salt is the bomb...
If you can’t find raw milk or are afraid of getting sick, I recommend buying regular A2 milk and making your own kefir. Doing so will at least put some of the beneficial bacteria that is lost during the pasteurization process back into the milk. ...
JUN Tea is often misunderstood, a delicious cousin of Kombucha that thrives on RAW Honey and Green Tea. The special JUN Tea cultures look like a Kombucha SCOBY, but there are some key differences in care and brewing. Learn how to make delicious JUN Tea h
Olive leaf extract improves circulation of blood, which keeps the organs healthy, eliminate toxin accumulations, and thereby keep the skin glowing and healthy. The flavonoids and oleanolic acid present in olive leaf stimulate the components of the connective tissue and regularize it - thereby boostin...
If you can’t find raw milk or are afraid of getting sick, I recommend buying regular A2 milk and making your own kefir. Doing so will at least put some of the beneficial bacteria that is lost during the pasteurization process back into the milk. ...
In our catalog we now distribute a great book entitled Prana & Immortality by the stunningly beautiful Jasmuheen of Australia, the world's premier breatharian! I've been in regular contact with her and she is quite a phenomenon. She has inspired me to eat less and less!