The type used for query results can contain common mapping constructs supported by EF Core, such as parameterized constructors and mapping attributes. For example: Copy public class BlogPost { public BlogPost(string blogTitle, string content, DateOnly publishedOn) { BlogTitle = blogTitle; Content...
ParameterizedType parameterizedTargetType = (ParameterizedType) targetType;if(parameterizedTargetType.getRawType()instanceofClass) { Class<?> rawClass = (Class<?>) parameterizedTargetType.getRawType();if(Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawClass)) { Type targetElementType = getElementType(parameterizedTargetTy...
class RawFeatureVector(feature_dimension)GitHub Bases: qiskit.circuit.library.blueprintcircuit.BlueprintCircuit The raw feature vector circuit. This circuit acts as parameterized initialization for statevectors with feature_dimension dimensions, thus with log2(feature_dimension) qubits. As long as there ...
Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: What is Node? 7 What can you do with Node? Server-side JavaScript Why should you use Node? Architecture: Threads versus asynchronous event-driven Performance and utilization Server utilization, the bottom line, and green web hosting Spelling: Node, Node....
The type used for query results can contain common mapping constructs supported by EF Core, such as parameterized constructors and mapping attributes. For example: Copy public class BlogPost { public BlogPost(string blogTitle, string content, DateOnly publishedOn) { BlogTitle = blogTitle; Content...