In review, Raw Conservative Opinions does not publish original content, but rather provides summaries or in some cases full articles from other sources such as thisChina Export Ban to “Plunge US Into Mighty Sea Of Coronavirus”. This story was originally published by the conspiracy websiteZerohed...
Twitter Feed Tweets by walruslaw Featured Post The Movie Transformers The Movie Complete Storyboard walruslawJuly 02, 2018 Contact The Archive Name Email* Message* Archive 202511 202416 202315 202213 202116 202024 201923 201811 201711 20165
In a front-page New York Times story published in January, Gary Gates, a demographer and distinguished scholar at the Williams Institute observed, “Black or Latino gay couples are twice as likely as whites to be raising children…They are also more likely than their white counterparts to be ...
The “Reader’s Digest” picked up the story and ran it a year later. Continue reading“Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again” Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit WhatsApp Email Author AdministratorPosted on May 16, 2024Categories Economy, Politics, Social IssuesTags raw milk41 Comments on Raw ...
Email me about new posts: Go(I won’t use your email for anything else, promise.) Or just follow me on Twitter here. This story has been told several places, but the quotes here are from Frank Langfitt with Brian Reed, “NUMMI,” This American Life 403 (26 March 2010; visited 2012...
February 5, 2017 Shawn Day All Raw Dairy Posts Ever wonder how you should eat on a Weston Price Diet? This is the real human diet, the best way you can eat. Period end of story. The diets of healthy primitive and non-industrialized peoples contain no refined or denatured foods such ...
This is my story on date rape( Part 6) Date Rape Journey (Part 5): Forgiving the Robber of My Soul~ My continued journey of rape. Beauty in Brokenness (Note: I apologize for the long post. Normally my posts are 300-500 words. Think of it as chapter 1 of a book.) Brokenness, ...
The Six Million Dollar Man has always been my favorite 'super hero.' A little while ago I cooked up what I feel is the perfect story to bring the Bionic Man into the 21st Century... To bring life to the story, I combed through over 30 films, music videos and commercials to construct...
Afterward, the Rawshorts machine learning algorithm will scan the video scripts to realize the motive for your storyboard. Then, AI searches for media assets suitable for the screenplay and sets them on your timeline by operating the voice narration. At last, you need to overview the ex...
You can read the back story about Jeremy in this post. Here is some new bonus footage that has just been released. One of the HD camera assistants that work… View Post Sketchy Sex Eager Bottoms Get Fucked & Filled With Multiple Loads ...