B. BLAST的bitscore是通过对原始得分进行标准化得到的,其得分取决于查询序列的长度和数据库的大小。 C. BLAST结果的e-value跟统计学里的P-value是一样的,e-value值越高,两个序列之间越相似。 D. 在序列长度一样的情况下,序列的一致性越高,bitscore得分越高。
BLAST比对中Bit score指的是raw score经过不同数据库均一化处理之后的比对分值,可以用于不同批次比对结果评判和比较A.正确B.错误的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷
The fans fire up for that, and Becky says that in five days, she will defend her title against Liv Morgan at KQOTR. Now, she and Liv have a lot of history. They’ve fought side by side, fought in honor, in bad blood, but in those many times, Liv’s never once beat Becky. Bu...
In reality, Thrawn was innocent, having invented a stealth maneuver during the simulation which led to his exceptional score. However, the simulation could not be repeated with the same parameters, so Thrawn could not establish his innocence. Resigned to a fate of expulsion from the academy, ...
Define raw weather. raw weather synonyms, raw weather pronunciation, raw weather translation, English dictionary definition of raw weather. Noun 1. raw weather - unpleasantly cold and damp weather bad weather, inclemency, inclementness - weather unsuitab
Who doesn't want a large semiaquatic mammal for the holidays? For then-10-year-old child star Gayla Peevey, not only did she score with the catchy tune, she also got her wish. The 1953 novelty hit, written by John Rox, rocketed up the pop charts a...
- Steps: map reads onto ref seq’ – recalibrate sequencing quality score – calculate likelihood of each genotype – (Prior probability of echa genotype) – inferred genotype via Bayes’ themorem 7. Indels detection: alignments with gaps can be the candidate for it【SOAPindel】 ...
And if you just wanna settle the score, we don’t need a match for that. We can do that right here, right now. So take your shot. Or get outta my face.” Finn smirks, and says, “Cool.” Finn stands up and walks away. Rollins apologizes to the crew. But then Finn CLOBBERS ...
Also, it keeps well in the freezer so it can be made in advance. If you don't have fresh cranberries, you can use dried cranberries or raisins instead. Recipe Photos Nutrition Facts Nutritional score: 67 out of 100 This recipe is very low in Carbohydrates, and Sodium. This recipe is...
Nutritional score: 94 out of 100 This recipe is very low inCalories,Fat,Carbohydrates, andSodium. This recipe is a good source ofVitamin E. This recipe is a noteworthy source ofProtein,Dietary Fiber, andRiboflavin. Amounts per49 g (2 oz)suggested serving ...