Ravi Shankar, Indian musician and composer who played the sitar and was known for bringing Indian music to the attention of the West, primarily through his concerts with violinist Yehudi Menuhin and through his association with George Harrison of the Bea
Ravi Shankar at Symphony CenterAndrew Patner
Already a member?Log In Contacts Become a member to see Ravi Shankar's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ravi Shankar(X) Edit pageAdd to list Track Cinematographer, Editor, Additional Crew Overview Credits About Images Videos ...
自觉的灵奥罗丁汉,是20世纪印度斯坦器乐流派最伟大的奠基人。他的弟子包括Ravi Shankar、Ali Akbar Khan(儿子)、Annapurna Devi(女儿)、Pannalal Ghosh、Baran Bhattacharya、V.G.Jog、以及Nikhil Banerjee等这些1950年代以来北印度最富盛名的古典音乐家。以他的资历,足可以被尊为北印度音乐的"帝王"。然而他却一生朴素...
Contacts Become a member to see Ravi Shankar's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ravi Shankar(XI) Edit pageAdd to list Track Composer, Music Department Overview Credits About Images Videos Box Office Network Clients News
Define Shankar Ravi. Shankar Ravi synonyms, Shankar Ravi pronunciation, Shankar Ravi translation, English dictionary definition of Shankar Ravi. Ravi 1920-2012. Indian musician and composer who popularized classical Indian music in the West. American Her
西塔琴大师:Ravi Shankar 他曾被称为“地球上最著名的印度音乐家”,他身上有无数的光环,比如说:最令世人景仰的印度音乐的伟大使者、印度古典音乐教父、西塔尔琴大师拉维·香卡,“甲壳虫乐队著名吉他手乔治·哈里森的恩师、爵士红伶诺拉·琼斯的父亲”……
商标名称 诺威香卡;RAVI SHANKAR 国际分类 第16类-办公用品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 6354898 申请日期 2007-11-02 申请人名称(中文) 武汉市仁达装饰设计工程有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 湖北省武汉市江岸区台北一路环亚大厦A座1401 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告...
Pt Ravi Shankar Bharath Rathna (1920.04.07 - ) 简介 巴哈拉西•拉纳•潘迪特•拉威•香卡(Bharath Rathna Pt Ravi Shankar)可能是在印度以外最著名的印度音乐家了。几十年来他已经成为印度的文化大使。1999年他被印度政府授予“巴哈拉西•拉纳”称号,印度最高的公民荣誉。 香卡1920年4月7日出生在一个...
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