Raven Color Hex #6f747b RBG rgb(111,116,123) HSL hsl(215,5%,46%) HSB hsb(216,10%,48%) CIELab CIELab(48.64,-0.38,-4.5) CMYK cmyk(10%,6%,0%,52%) RED 43.53% GREEN 45.49% BLUE 48.24% Raven Black River God Sabo Garden Sea Green Sideshow So Much Fawn Spring Lily Sul...
Hex RGB HSL #454546 foreground If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.Marc Chagall … #454546 background I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.Vincent van Gogh … #454546 shadow Do not fear mistakes - there are...
Electric blue is an additional accent color. This color brings attention to technology elements that speak to Raven's ambition to be a tech focused company. Electric blue will be used sparingly, as to call attention to specific elements on a marketing piece. Electric Blue PANTONE 305 CHex: #...
Adds configuration entry for the REV UltraPlanetary HD Hex motor Enhancements Adds setGain() and getGain() methods to the NormalizedColorSensor interface By setting the gain of a color sensor, you can adjust for different lighting conditions. For example, if you detect lower color values than...
2017.06 [pediy] [翻译]IDA Hex-Rays反编译器使用的一些小技巧 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 2: debugging a .NET executable 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 1: the Hex-Rays decompiler Tips&&Tricks 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] Cách export data trong IDA 2019.07 [hexacorn] Batch decompilation...
Rare White Raven Color Hex #e8dbdf RBG rgb(232,219,223) HSL hsl(342,22%,88%) HSB hsb(342,6%,91%) CIELab CIELab(88.52,5.14,-0.37) CMYK cmyk(0%,6%,4%,9%) RED 90.98% GREEN 85.88% BLUE 87.45% Rare Wind Rio Grande Rustic Pottery Scuba Blue Shrub Green Snow Leopard ...
Raven's Coat Color Hex #030205 RBG rgb(3,2,5) HSL hsl(260,43%,1%) HSB hsb(259,60%,2%) CIELab CIELab(0.67,0.68,-1.04) CMYK cmyk(40%,60%,0%,98%) RED 1.18% GREEN 0.78% BLUE 1.96% Raven’s Wing River Pebble Sacramento State Green Sea Ice Sienna So This Is Love...
6eCeP0CKFpHLu8blIFXhExK/dRa7WDZfr6jVFPTqq+I= github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang v1.3.0 h1:MU79lqr3FKNKbSrGN7d7bNYqh8MwWW7Zcx0iG+VIw9I= github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang v1.3.0/go.mod h1:eTzb4gxwwyWpqBUHGQZ4ABAV7+Jgm1PklsYT/eo8Hcc= github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.0.0...
Raven’s Wing Color Hex #4b4045 RBG rgb(75,64,69) HSL hsl(333,8%,27%) HSB hsb(331,15%,29%) CIELab CIELab(28.36,5.75,-1.29) CMYK cmyk(0%,15%,8%,71%) RED 29.41% GREEN 25.1% BLUE 27.06% Ravenclaw River Reed Sacred Blue Sea Kale Sienna Buff So-Sari Spring Mist ...