Mutants that induce necrosis can easily be isolated from infections causing systemic mosaic symptoms (Culver et al., 1991). This system is a nice one to demonstrate cross protection. Alterations in the structure of the TMV coat protein affect the elicitation of the N′ gene HR in N. ...
So what are you supposed to do when it’s pretty clear everything people say now, or have said in your life, has mostly been a lie, and you can prove it with document requests? Clearly the people on the “other side” as it were are as much victims as villains, and as you say,...
RNA-2 coded for a protein of the same size as coat protein. A product of MW 30,000 was coded by a third RNA (RNA-3) which in the case of PRN TRV had a molecular weight of 550,000 and could be separated from RNA-2 by gel electrophoresis. Translation of all three RNAs was ...
the spray can on its side, the paint sloughing down the side of my house: Brotherhood In Christ. America, I have come to bury you, not to praise you I want to see whether you stay buried, or how long you will stumble about in the off-brown wheat, or by blue-green rice paddies...
In other instances, VLPs are used as fused peptides to viralcoat proteinand thus are presented (displayed) on the particle’ssurface. VLPs can be used for the presentation (display) of antigenic epitopes on the engineered particle. They have been shown to elicit a protective immune response ag...