Ratios & Proportions 8. Connecting Ratios to Graphs Students consider the values in a ratio table as ordered pairs and graph them on coordinate axes. Students learn that the graph of a collection of equivalent ratios lies on a line through the origin. Next Module 6,7,8 Ratios & Proport...
A range of CAT questions can be asked from Ratios and Proportions, Mixtures, Alligations and Averages. Make sure you master the topics. 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam CAT 2023. Question 39: Ram travels half of ...
A subject of great interest to students of animal mating systems over the past 15 years has been parental investment, a concept that includes parental care and the cost of gametes. Parental care in birds (and other animals) had been studied for many years prior to Trivers’s (1972) seminal...
Given that an organism reproduces sexually, how should it allocate resources to male and female reproduction? This decision has been termed sex allocation, and involves many related questions, ranging from what mating system is favoured (eg, separate sexes, or hermaphrodites with male and female ...
Now suppose that both blacks and whites, through some effective social policy, experienced an additive shift such that those now atx=50, or half the poverty line income, were now atx=100, which can be viewed as effectively rescaling thexvariable. While the overall proportions of both blacks ...