Developing a theoretical framework and rationale for a research proposal. In Pequegnat W and Stover E (eds.): How to write a successful research grant application. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York pp: 85-89.Herek G.M., 2010. Developing a theoretical framework and rationale for a...
The rationale plays a role at two stages of your project: (a) when you first submit your research proposal to your advisors for their advice and approval and (b) when you write your final version of the thesis or dissertation so readers will understand the contribution to knowledge or the ...
Before conducting research: The study rationale is a central component of theresearch proposal. It represents the plan of your work, constructed before the study is actually executed. Once research has been conducted: After the study is completed, the rationale is presented in a research article o...
The case method in teacher education : analysis, rationale, and proposal / An important component of the preparation of professionals in many fields has been the systematic study of cases. Teacher educators are increasingly recogn... AC Mcaninch - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 被引...
It is recommended that an estimate of clinical significance be included in all psychotherapy outcome studies and that this estimate be based on the work of... MJ Lambert,BM Ogles - 《Psychotherapy Research》 被引量: 159发表: 2009年 Evaluation of a Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Service for Adults ...
If this is the rationale behind the proposal, should the property value appreciate from $6 million to $8 million in the future, would the Government again lower [...] 如果政 府 的理據是 這樣, 倘 將來 600 萬元的 樓宇升 值至 800 萬元 ,政府 又會否把印花稅率由 3.75%減...
To explore the proposal we need some terminology and notation. To begin with we distinguish between preposi- tional questions (such as yes-no-questions) which take complete propositions (or sets of propositions) as answers and wh-questions (what-, where-, who- questions) which receive singular...
Several professors specialised in the US antitrust laws have further elaborated that the rationale of exempting US government from the antitrust [...] 故位專門研究美 國反壟斷法的教授作進一步闡述,指 出美 國政府獲豁免受反壟斷 法規管,理據在於主權豁免,反壟斷法規則只適用於"人...
In the scientific community, a rationale is a necessary justification for any type of research study. It identifies a gap in the current thinking and explains how this project is going to look at the topic from a different angle. Project managers use the phrase in much the same way. A ...
[...]address, they have apparently been unpegged, and no explanation has been given why this should be the case.Whatever the rationale,Meeting Point is strongly opposed to the proposal for separate treatment. ...