This study aims to determine the misconceptions of 7th-grade students about rational numbers. Within the scope of the research, a sample was formed with 69 seventh-grade students studying in a central secondary school affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the provinc...
numbersrationalgradefractionsdecimalspercents TrinityUniversity DigitalCommons@Trinity UnderstandingbyDesign:CompleteCollectionUnderstandingbyDesign 4-2-2009 RationalNumbers[7thgrade] CourtneySpickelmier TrinityUniversity Followthisandadditionalworksat:h p:// isInstructional...
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First, people learned to count and usenatural numbersfor counting. Then people noticed that the set of natural numbers is not closed under thesubtraction, and so arrived negative numbers, which together with natural numbers and zero formed the set ofintegers. But integers are not closed under th...
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Yetim, S., & Alkan, R. (2010). Common mistakes and misconceptions of 7th grade students about the rational numbers and placement of the rational numbers on the number line. Manas Journal of Engineering Science (MJES), 2(11), 87-109....
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