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Using a basis (such as {1,x,13,x13}) of the rightmost field as vector space over the leftmost one and the description of the linear map ι~ in terms of this basis, a straightforward calculation results in an equation X:y2=−13x4−1014x2+210912x−1917981. In this example X(...
To validate our docking method, we first docked a physiologic ligand of integrin avb3, the tenth type III RGD domain of wild-type fibronectin to integrin avb3. The RGD domain docking completely matched the crystal structure of the complex by Van Agthovenet al.23 (Supplementary Fig. 1a), ...
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He suggested several approximations for π— 3927/1250 (=3.1416) for accurate work, 22/7 (=3.142857142857143) for less accurate calculation, while 10(=3.162277660168380) for ordinary work [3]. Nearly four hundred years after Archimedes’ novel method of computing π, in 150 AD, Claudius Ptolemy...
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