From the above chart, it is possible to see that integers (positive or negative whole numbers) and decimals are rational numbers that are not in fraction form. For example: The number {eq}4 {/eq} is a positive integer, but can be expressed as a fraction in this way: {eq}\frac{4}...
The number 4 is an integer and also a Rational Number. 7 Real Number Real Numbers can be finite or infinite decimals. 0.333... is a Real Number with a repeating decimal. 6 Rational Number Rational Numbers have a numerator and a denominator. In the Rational Number 3/4, 3 is the numera...
In the last two decades, abnormal Ras (rat sarcoma protein)–ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) signalling in the brain has been involved in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders, including drug addiction, certain forms of intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorder. Modulation of...
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The number ½ is a rational number because it is read as integer 1 divided by integer 2. All the numbers that are not rational are called irrational. Check the chart below, to differentiate between rational and irrational. Rationals can be either positive, negative or zero. While specifying...
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Figure 2. Stratigraphic chart of the Lower Indus Basin. 3. Materials and Methodology The study was carried out using well data from Miano-07 and Rehmat-02. In the research, the conventional geophysical logs such as caliper (CAL), gamma-ray (GR), spontaneous potential (SP), neutron porosi...