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Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. What is the definition of factoring? Factoring is the process of multiplying two algebraic expressions together. Factoring is the process of finding the factors that multiply together to get a given product. Factoring is the process of solving a linear equation by dividin...
or other root symbols. Surds are used to write irrational numbers precisely. All surds are considered to be irrational numbers but all irrational numbers can't be considered surds. Irrational numbers, which are not the roots of algebraic expressions, like π and e, are not surds....
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the first set of data contains the independent values,[x0,x1,...,xn], and the second set of data contains the dependent values,[y0,y1,...,yn]. Each element must be of type algebraic and not of type float, as the routine requires exact data. All the independent...
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