All residents of Jharkhand are entitled to apply for a ration card in Jharkhand. The ration card not only serves as proof of residence or identity but also enables citizens to avail of food items at subsidised rates by the PDS Jharkhand allotment system every month. Whether you wish to apply...
Central govt.has launched nationwide 1 Nation 1 Ration Card for all the citizens of India including migrant workers & poor people. The One Nation One Ration Card Apply Online Standard Format is designed by the central govt. which is to be followed while issuing fresh ration cards. The central...
The block wise list of active fair price shops is also available on the same portal and can be accessed by selecting the district and block. This new Smart Ration card scheme is being implemented under the National Food Security Act-2013. The state government has already seeded all the detail...
Himachal Pradesh : , ationStatus.xhtml Jammu and Kashmir : Jharkhand : ...