In order to achieve the aim of national portability, it is necessary that ration cards issued by different states and union territories conform to a standard format. Accordingly, a format for standardised ration card has been prepared for issue of ration card under the NFSA. The state government...
All the candidates can check the process ofhow to apply ration card online Karnatakaby filling ration card Karnataka online application 2025. In addition to this, people can perform Karnataka Ration Card Form PDF download and submit it to the concerned authorities to get their name included in th...
A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities that are in short supply during wartime or in other emergency situations. Food stamps used, for instance, in the United States to provide subsidised food to ...
Foodissuedoravailabletomembersof agroup. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Afoodallowancefor oneday. from Free Scrabble Dictionary Ashareespeciallyasdeterminedbysupply. from Free Scrabble Dictionary verb-transitive ...
card cinerator circumscribe References in classic literature ? The pound and a half of sun-dried salmon, which was his ration for each day, seemed to go nowhere. View in context The Emperor's gratitude was announced to the vanguard, rewards were promised, and the men received a double ration...
2.rationsFood issued or available to members of a group. tr.v.ra·tioned,ra·tion·ing,ra·tions 1.To supply with rations. 2. a.To distribute as rations:rationed out flour and sugar. b.To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime:ration gasoline.See Synonyms atdistribute. ...
A ration stamp or ration card is a stamp or card issued by a government to allow the holder to obtain food or other commodities that are in short supply during wartime or in other emergency situations when rationing is in force. 配給票是政府發行的一種票券和卡片,允許持有人在戰時或其他緊急...
items at subsidised rates by the PDS Jharkhand allotment system every month. Whether you wish to apply for a new ration card, update details on an existing one, or learn how to check the status or download the card online, this article details the process for each. Read on to know more...
Indian family is issued a Ration Card by Government of India and the families are entitled to receive subsidized food grains against the card. Quantity of different grains like rice, wheat are fixed for every month for the families depending upon their income. However many families do not claim...
Of room number during the stay from to By Cash/My Credit Card Number___ 贵宾姓名 签名 Guest Name Signature 房号 日期 Room Number Date *特别费用说明 Please specify the other charges: FN- OF-017 保险箱申请表 Safe deposit record cars 保险箱申请表 SAFE DEPOSIT RECORD CARS Date 日期: D 日...