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Test your Knowledge on Scales of Measurement Put your understanding of this concept to test by answering a few MCQs. Click ‘Start Quiz’ to begin! Select the correct answer and click on the “Finish” button Check your score and answers at the end of the quiz...
Answers: Questions Workspace There are 15 boys and 18 girls in fifth grade. Find the ratio of boys to girls in fifth grade. Answer: 5 : 6 Diana bought 12 guavas and 16 apples. What is the ratio of guavas to apples? Answer: 3 : 4 Elliott has 8 candies and Sabetha has...
the learning app. frequently asked questions on ratio to percentage q1 what is the ratio to percentage formula? the ratio to percentage formula is: percentage = ratio ×100 q2 mention the steps to convert ratio to percentage? the steps to convert the ratio to percentage are: write the given...
2. Review of literature and research questions 2.1. Turnover and turnover intention An extensive number of studies have been conducted on the topic of turnover during the last century (see Hom et al., 2017). Whereas the concept of turnover relates to actual behavior, which in this context...
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The validated REGICOR (REgistre GIroní del COR) Short Physical Activity Questionnaire [26] and the following standardized questions were included: weight (kg), height (cm), smoking habit (smoker; former smoker; never smoker), and educational level (primary/illiterate; secondary education; university...