原始数据中,JACC HF文章relative risk ratio展示如下。 二、meta分析RRR 2.1 经典meta混合指标RRR Systematic Reviews and Meta- and Pooled Analyses 中,RRR可以代表OR、HR、RR混合展示的广义命名,也可以代表RCT研究单纯HR汇总效应。 2.2 meta-epidem...
优势比与相对危险,这两个概念在医学统计学中扮演着关键角色,帮助我们探究因素与结果之间的关联。大学到工作,再到考U,医学统计学的阴影始终笼罩,令人难以释怀。探究某个因素与某种结果的关联时,为何要引入优势比和相对危险?实际上,它们是为了更准确地评估和理解这种关联性。定义优势比为: 优势比 =...
Definition The relative risk is a measure which compares the risk of a certain event in two different groups of people. For example, it can be used to describe the risk of developing a disease for people who are exposed to a particular factor relative to people who are not exposed to the...
相对危险度(relative risk, RR)或率比(rate ratio)是指暴露组发病率(])与非暴露组发病率(I)之比,它反映了暴露与疾病的关联强度。计算公式:
那么问题来了,为嘛要存在优势比和相对危险两个概念呢? 按照定义来讲: 队列是前瞻性研究,随着时间推移,可以获得两个组别当中累计的发病人数,也就是说最终我们可以计算得出:相对危险 = 暴露组发病率/非暴露组发病率 病例对照是回顾性研究,我们拿到的样本已经分类为得病的和没得病的,所以无法在此基础上计算相对危险...
OddRatio和RelativeRisk OddRatio和RelativeRisk 1. OR: ⽐值⽐,优势⽐ OR常⽤于流⾏病学中病例-对照研究资料,表⽰病例组和对照组的暴露⽐例与⾮暴露⽐例之⽐。病例对照中的相对危险度。data dat7;do r=1 to 2;do c=1 to 2;input freq @@;output;end;end;datalines;16026 548 ;OR ...
网络相对风险比;比值比相对危险度;相对失败率 网络释义
Since it is a ratio of ratios, the odds ratio is very difficult to interpret. The relative risk is easier to interpret, so the odds ratio alone is not very helpful. However, there are certain commonly occurring situations in which the estimate of the relative risk is not very good and th...