Many studies have been carried out trying to determine exactly how applicable the Trivers-Willard hypothesis [18] is to humans [24, 25], and what kind of factors have an influence on the human sex ratio at birth [7, 9, 13, 26–30]. Many researchers have found strong support for the ...
The sex reversal pattern of C. gigas appears to go from male⇒female⇒male, and as such is determined to be rhythmical hermaphroditism.关键词: Crassostrea gigas Two-year-old class Sex reversal Rhythmical hermaphroditism DOI: 10.12717/DR.2012.16.4.385 被引量: 9 ...
We have studied the autopsy findings of 220 stillborn fetuses and 319 neonates who died during the first week of life and were born between January 1, 1964 and December 31, 1983. An attempt was made in the course of this review to determine the sex ratio in various weight groups and aeti...
在数学中ratio和proportion只有两个区别,分别是意思不同和强调内容不同:一、意思不同 1、proportion构成比;比例通常以100%为比例基数,用来说明各构成部分在总体中所占的比重或分布,比如什么东西在什么中占的比例很大 。2、ratio意思是比,比率。二、强调不同 1、proportion强调一物与他物在数量、大...
and parental antagonism being more frequent in sex-biased populations7,8. Moreover, in human societies, ASR variation is linked to economic decisions, community violence, and disease prevalence9,10,11. Yet despite the widespread occurrence of ASR bias and its significance in evolutionary ecology and...
in certain countries rise the SSR in natural conception9. Over the past decades, with the rapid popularity of assisted reproductive technology (ART) for infertility treatment, a growing number of babies were born from IVF or ICSI10. It was estimated that ART has contributed to the birth of ...
Evaluation of the ratio of omega(6: omega3 fatty acids and vitamin E levels in the diet on the reproductive performance of cockerels. Arch Tierernahr. 2003;57(6):429-42. 9. Kelso KA, Cerolini S, Speake BK, Cavalchini LG,... S Zanini,C Torres,N Bragagnolo,... - 《Archives of...
In Japan, the ratio of never-married men to married men has risen rapidly since the second half of the 1980s. In this paper, we focus on the disruption of the gender balance, and on the effect that this and education level have on marriage behaviour. We confirmed that the rise in the...
Temporal [3], [5], [6], [7] and spatio-temporal [8], [9], [10], [11] ratio-dependent predator-prey models are becoming of more interest in ecology since these models better describe (when compared to the original models) both the theoretical and experimental predator-prey interactions...
(Pergande), the western flower thrips, is a common pest of greenhouse floral and vegetable crops. Studies in four vegetable greenhouses revealed a significant correlation between density and sex ratio of adults on sticky traps. At low densities, 80–100% of western flower thrips adults on traps...