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It affords unique opportunities for statistical analysis. The variables can be orderly added, subtracted, multiplied, divided. Mean, median, and mode can be calculated using the ratio scale. Ratio scale has unique and useful properties. One such feature is that it allows unit conversions like kilo...
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A ratio is a helpful tool for comparing things to each other inmathematicsand real life, so it is important to know the definition of a ratio and how to use one. The descriptions and examples below will not only help you to understand ratios and how they function, but they will also ma...
KL grade 4 knees were excluded as a significant difference in surface area ratios were observed between moderately arthritic (grades 2 and 3) and severely arthritic (grade 4) knees [Fig. 2] which we believe is due to deformity of bone contour (an explicit criterion for grade 4 designation)...
the majority of your grade. Be sure to visibly include all R code and output that is relevant to answering the exercises. (You do not need to include irrelevant code you tried that resulted in error or did not answer the question correctly.) ...
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