Moreover, the higher proportion ofmales during October and thelow proportion inMarch seems imply a different phenology, not a different useof resources. Finally,the most likely explanation for skewed winter sex ratio is the use of different wintering grounds by males and females, with males ...
Meta-regression using a random effects model with weighted age as a continuous co-variate (age weighted to age and proportion of participants in each SHR category per study) was performed. Data and resource availability The datasets generated during and/or analysed in the current study are ...
At that time, a few years after the introduction of widescreen, there were more 1.66:1 films in production although still only a small proportion (13%) overall. Helpfully, in 1957 all the studios provided aspect ratio details, including ABPC and MGM - unlike later years. As one would ...
Any uncertainty was resolved in consultation with the third reviewer (D.H.). Data synthesis and analysis Our effect estimates incorporated both binary data (arterial stiffness) and continuous data (PWV levels) in this meta-analysis. ORs and β values with corresponding 95% CIs were taken as ...
free worksheets on Proportion beecher penna bittinger algebra trigonometry answer guide steps of multiplying and dividing decimals I need an easy to understand tutorial on using the TI83 Plus calculator for algebra. algebrator binomial factorer "Life Application of Hyperbola" adding subtractin...
The proportion of patients with triple-negative or metastatic disease, median age, disease stage, histologic tumor grade, presence of nodal involvement, premenopausal status, median duration of follow-up, and NLR cutoff value did not affect the association between high NLR and DFS. There was ...
normal BUN and creatinine levels will result in a normal BUN/creatinine ratio, and changes in only one or the other value will result in an abnormal BUN creatinine ratio. However, elevated BUN and creatinine values will result in a normal ratio if they increase in the same proportion, so al...
Experience testifies, that among the uniformities which it exhibits or seems to exhibit, some are more to be relied on than others; and uniformity, therefore, may be presumed, from any given number of instances, with a greater degree of assurance, in proportion as the case belongs to a ...
Directed cell migration requires sustained cell polarisation. In migrating cortical interneurons, nuclear movements are directed towards the centrosome that organises the primary cilium signalling hub. Primary cilium-elicited signalling, and how it affec
Meta-regression showed that the year of publication and the proportion of males were not sources of heterogeneity. 3.6. Sensitivity analysis Furthermore, exclusion sensitivity analysis did not affect the overall estimate. The results were invariant when the fixed-effects model was selected, with MD ...