Welcome to Workout for Older Adults - the app that's designed to help you stay fit and healthy from the comfort of your own home. This app is perfect for senior…
(Ratings Key: ... = Excellent Fishing; ... = Good; .. = Fair; . = Poor.)
Excellent Saying excellent doesn't give this app it's right. Thx very much 16May2020 , 16/05/2020 Unable to subscribe. Unable to subscribe. I have tried to but can’t get thru. Binu dx , 05/02/2021 Poor app Poor app, one of the poor app among major news app, do not...
To a Very Great Extent To a Great Extent To Some Extent To a Little Extent Not At All Does Not Apply Outstanding Fully Performing Contributing Marginally Performing Unsatisfactory Very Good Good Below Average Poor Unacceptable Excellent Very Good ...
The research performance of the single-item self-rating In general, would you say your health is: excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? was evaluated relative to the SF-36 General Health Scale that contains this item, using data for a sample of psychiatric outpatients who had co-occu...
A.M. BestStandard & Poor'sMoody'sFitch Ratings 1.A++ SuperiorAAA Extremely StrongAaa ExceptionalAAA Exceptionally Strong 2.A+ SuperiorAA+ Very StrongAa1 ExcellentAA+ Very Strong 3.A ExcellentAA Very StrongAa2 ExcellentAA Very Strong 4.A- ...
Parents rated post-discharge care related to their children’s preterm birth (poor/fair/good/excellent) and provided free-text suggestions for improvements. We analyzed sociodemographic and medical factors associated with poor/fair ratings, using inverse probability weights to adjust for attrition bias,...
When its value is between 0.5 and 1, this effect is excellent. In the following section, we employ the K-means clustering algorithm to perform 500 clustering operations on the factor scores of each OLP obtained after factor analysis, and compare the silhouette coefficients corresponding to each ...
For example, Standard & Poor’s has a credit rating scale ranging from AAA—excellent—to lower ratings of C and D. Any bond that carries a rating lower than BB is said to be of speculative-grade or a junk bond. This should be a red flag to risk-averse investors. The various letter...
Ratings are a forward-looking opinion rendered by rating agencies based on a close examination of a financial institution. As a consequence, there's no guarantee that a financial institution with an excellent rating won't default. That's why ratings should be just one of a variety of indicator...