Rating ScalesChild Care CentersInfantsPreschool EducationToddlersProgram EvaluationEducational QualityReliabilityForeign CountriesScoresIn recent years, there has been a significant growth of interest in ensuring that child care provision for children is of a high quality. This interest has been stimulated by...
The Chinese Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (trial) (CECERS) is a new instrument for measuring early childhood program quality in the Chinese socio-cultural contexts, based on substantial adaptation from the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition (ECERS-R). This paper descri...
摘要: Assessing quality in the early years : early childhood environment rating scale : extension (ECERS-E), four curricular subscales Kathy Sylva, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Brenda Taggart Trentham Books, 2006 New rev. ed关键词: race relations higher education intergroup cognition prejudice reduction ...
Volume 14, Issue 4, December 1994, Pages 335–336 About ScienceDirect Contact and support Information for advertisers Terms and conditions Privacy policy Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. except certain content provided by third parties. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier...
Two 15-item rating scales completed by the clinician (each designed for a different population); and an unscored Parent/Caregiver Questionnaire ADMIN TIME 5–10 minutes (after the information needed to make the ratings has been collected) Ages 2 years and up Publish Date 2010 Qualifications...
All in all, these examples illustrate the fact that blissful states can be deeper, richer, more intense, more conscious, and qualitatively superior to the normal everyday range of human emotion. Now, how about the negative side?...
(e.g., reports of having received too little parental attention in childhood). Exaggerated symptoms and implausible symptom combinations are tapped by three items each. While examples of the former enquire, for example, about reports of extremely disorganized home environments, the latter ask ...
Early Education and DevelopmentMerrell, K. W. (1995). Relationships among early childhood behavior rating scales: Convergent and discriminant construct validity of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales. Early Education and Development, 6(3), 253- 264....
It should be noted that the three examples are not based on superior attributes of these scales over others, but on the need to present a sample of the range of existing assessments. Comparing Among Informant Rating Instruments It has already been stated that there are many informant rating ins...
The CHS is an optional section that includes 88 items that focus on childhood, intellectual functioning, social relationships, adult personality, clinical diagnoses, and physical illness. The same 0–3 point rating system from the PSE-10 is used for these scales and there are additional ratings ...