allBlocked 1 Do not allow any movies content general 2 Suitable for all ages parentalGuidance 3 The PG-12 classification requests parental guidance for young people under 12 agesAbove15 4 The R15+ classification is suitable for viewers of 15 or older agesAbove18 5 The R18+ classifi...
Among movies rated G and PG, gun violence decreased slightly. Health findings: the latest public health studies and research For parents, our results suggest that you can't trust the movie rating system to provide guidance for what is appropriate view for your children. Gun violence in PG-13...
In the 1970s the X rating concept was used by the producers and exhibitors of pornographic movies as a promotional device. Though these films were not MPAA productions and the producers could not submit their films for review, the X rating was not trademarked by MPAA. This meant that ...
…the MPAA set up a rating board that classified films as G, M, R, and X. After various changes the MPA ratings are now as follows: G, for general audiences; PG, parental guidance suggested; PG-13, parents strongly cautioned, because film contains material inappropriate for children under...
Movies with PG-13 ratings like “The Hunger Games Mockingjay” and “Guardians of the Galaxy were by far the biggest moneymakers for Hollywood last year, but films with PG ratings such as “Maleficent” and “The Lego Movie” on average delivered more bang for the buck. That’s according ...
McWeeny offered up a solid letter system that would replace the current vague-to-all-too-specific reasonings, breaking movies down to their barest essentials of what you need to know as a parent. And make no mistake about it, the MPAA is around supposedly for families. Yet here we are,...
children and teenagers 10 and older can enter screenings of movies rated up to 16 if accompanied by an adult or if they are carrying a written-consent form[1]. However, movies rated 18 are restricted to persons aged 16 and over (16-17 year olds should be accompanied by a person aged ...
G: General Audiences. Little to no violence or offensive language. No nudity, sex scenes or drug use. 7–10 A: Ages 7 and older. Minimal or no violence, sexual or drug use content. PG: Parental Guidance Suggested. May have some profanity, depictions of violence, or brief nudity. No ...
The MPAA rating system was established in 1968 as a voluntary system intended to help parents determine what films might be appropriate for their children. Originally, it included four ratings: G, M, R, and X. Over time, it evolved into the current system of G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC...
At the Movies NATIONAL TREASURE: BOOK OF SECRETS (PG) Rating: 5/10 Dumb Antics