Define ratified. ratified synonyms, ratified pronunciation, ratified translation, English dictionary definition of ratified. tr.v. rat·i·fied , rat·i·fy·ing , rat·i·fies To approve and give formal sanction to; confirm: The Senate ratified the trea
Define unratifiedly. unratifiedly synonyms, unratifiedly pronunciation, unratifiedly translation, English dictionary definition of unratifiedly. adj not having legal authorization or authority Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th E
Budget Law Cabot, George References in periodicals archive ? I believe that this is in fact a treaty, and as an international treaty, it must be ratified by the Senate. Despite SC decision, Marcos maintains stand on Edca With Japan's ratification, the total number of countries that have rat...
Before final publication of the newly-negotiated andratified Agreement, the Association will be given the opportunity to proofread the copy. For this reason, the University will print sufficient copies of theratified Agreementfor distribution to the membership. ...
Which constitutional amendment expanded the definition of citizenship? Does the 11th Amendment apply to Native American tribes? What is the Sixteenth Amendment also known as? What is the 26th Amendment? What is the difference between the 5th and 14th Amendment?
Define unratified. unratified synonyms, unratified pronunciation, unratified translation, English dictionary definition of unratified. adj not having legal authorization or authority Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 201
Define ratifiedly. ratifiedly synonyms, ratifiedly pronunciation, ratifiedly translation, English dictionary definition of ratifiedly. tr.v. rat·i·fied , rat·i·fy·ing , rat·i·fies To approve and give formal sanction to; confirm: The Senate ratifie