Juvenile Incarceration Rates Are Down; Racial Disparities RiseCarrie Johnson
#16 in Least Juvenile Incarceration #19 in Best States Overall #23 in Crime & Corrections #11 in Corrections Outcomes North Carolina, which was at one time combined with South Carolina to form a single territory, was one of the original 13 colonies and became the 12th state in 1...
The United States has one of the highest rates of juvenile incarceration in the world. Once sentenced to a detention center, it is increasingly likely that a person will spend the rest of their lives rotating in and out of the correctional system due to high recidivism rates. This cycle is...
However, in recent years, a shift has been seen, with the numbers of female offenders rising significantly, especially at the juvenile level, which significantly raises the likelihood of re-offending later in life. As such, an understanding of the differences between the sexes in terms of the ...
While DFS oversees out-of-home placements and juvenile incarceration, the agency quickly realized that pre-existing privacy laws would make it hard to fulfill the Legislature’s mandate for a comprehensive system tracking how kids enter the system or what happens after. That’s ...
Nationally, youth incarceration peaked in 2000, after surging crime in the 1980s and early ’90s led to panics about juvenile superpredators — and, in turn, to tough-on-crime laws. In the years since, crime fell. Leaders across the country acknowledged the harms o...
provisions are associated with homicide rates. Do statutes based solely upon dangerousness criteria versus broader ICC-criteria—i.e. “need for treatment,”“protection of health and safety,” and family protection–have differential associations related to their goal of reducing the frequency of ...
Pregnancy rates among juvenile justice girls in two randomized controlled trials of multidimensional treatment foster care. Preventing adolescent pregnancy is a national research priority that has had limited success. In the present study, the authors examined whether Multidimen... DCR Kerr,LD Leve,P ...
Drop in unemployment of 96 percent for adult drug court graduates and 86 percent for hybrid (drug/sobriety) court graduates. Mental health court graduates on average — among adult circuit, adult district, juvenile — were two- to three-times less likely to commit another crime within ...
effects of juvenile incarceration on the person, and from a health perspective, the needs of this population are largely going unmet," Barnert said. "We need a system that effectively addresses their health challenges as early as possible—ideally preventing adolescents from ever reaching juvenile ...