Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Rated-R Romance Movies. Current Top 3: Before Trilogy Franchise, Pretty Woman, When Harry Met Sally...
Over 3,300 movie fans have voted to shape these rankings of the best R-Rated superhero movies & comic book films. From DC's Joker and Watchmen, to Marvel's Logan and Deadpool, these are some of the most popular adult-oriented comic book stories ever told on screen. With intense action...
Jamie Kennedy was best known for playing horror movie fanatic Randy Meeks in the "Scream" movies until his ill-fated turn as Tim Avery in 2005's "Son of the Mask." The sequel put an end to Kennedy's chances of becoming the new Jim Carrey and seriously derailed his career in Hollywood....
As strange as it sounds, I thinkDeadpoolis a great date movie. There’s enough violence for the men, there’s enough romance for the ladies, and it’s funny enough to keep everyone entertained. It’s a solid flick all around. That’s hard to do these days. So go and see it if ...
Over 70 filmgoers have voted on the 55+ Best G-Rated Short Movies. Current Top 3: The Wrong Trousers, The Gruffalo, Roving Mars
30 What is E.T. short for? He has really small legs. 646 votes Is this funny? next up Your Opinion Counts Time is running out! Vote 282726days leftAARP's 2025 Movies For Grownups Awards Nominees, Ranked By Real GrownupsVote now Filed under: Funny Reddit Jokes Humor Humor14...