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Log InSign Up Enter yourschoolto get started I'd like to look up a professor by name Join the RMP Family Love RMP? Let's make it official. Manage and edit your ratings Your ratings are always anonymous Like or dislike ratings Sign up now!
The power of a great teacher or professor cannot be overstated. From the time we are children all through our time in college,effective educatorsare very important. There is a lot that goes into a teacher being great, but unfortunately, not all teachers or professors are as good as we’d ...
KEYWORDS ON PAGE professors,schools,rate,blog,my profs,view all professors,view all schools,follow us,facebook,twitter,tumblr,pinterest,instagram,find what,you're looking for,find a,professor,school,rate a,find a professor,search by,name,named,in the,select,department SERVER Apache-Coyote/1.1 PO...
Overall, useless website. If you're a university student, just take the necessary classes you need. Don't overtake classes that you feel overwhelm. If you encounter a class where you seem to dislike your professor & struggle in his/her class, best way is just drop out of that class. ...
KEYWORDS ON PAGE professors,schools,rate,blog,my profs,view all professors,view all schools,follow us,facebook,twitter,tumblr,pinterest,instagram,find what,you're looking for,find a,professor,school,rate a,find a professor,search by,name,named,in the,select,department SERVER Apache-Coyote/1.1 PO...
These terms and conditions regarding your use of the Site constitute a legally binding agreement between you, on the one hand, and Rate My Professors, on the other hand. In this Agreement, the term "Site" includes all websites and web pages within or associated with the Site (such as thi...
Question: Rate My Professor (RMP) is a website where students can go and post an evaluation of a professor that they've taken a class from. Suppose that you have collected Independent Simple Random Samples (SRSs) of recent student ratings on...
Byline: James McCarthyWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
In summary, the ratemyprofessors website can be useful for getting an idea of a professor's style and for finding out if a particular professor has a good or bad record. However, it is best to use your own judgement when deciding whether to register for a class based on the reviews...