If you (or your company) are interested in investing in bonds, you must understand the relationship between yield to maturity and internal rate of return. Yield to maturity is a term that defines the expected rate of return on a bond if held to full maturity date. Internal rate of return ...
rate of return and the nominal interest rate, real rate of return, expected rate of return (yield to maturity) is not the same level concept. In the issuance of bonds, the coupon rate is based on such a necessary venture capital to determine the return; required rate of return investors ...
yieldtomaturity和couponrate是两个不同的概念。解释:1. Yield to Maturity:Yield to Maturity指的是投资者购买债券后,从购买日到债券到期日所能获得的平均收益率。它考虑了债券的购买价格、票面利率和到期期限。简单来说,到期收益率是投资者持有债券至到期所能获得的回报率,反映了债券的整体回报潜力。
一、定义不同 1、yield to maturity:yield to maturity是到期收益率,又称最终收益率,是指在假设在投资收益率保持与YTM一样的情况下,所有的息票和本金收入向当期时刻折现,使得其现值正好等于目前的市场价格(初期需投资金额)的贴现率。2、coupon rate: coupon rate是票面利率,也是息票率,指...
There are two main ways to determine the return of a bond:yield to maturity(YTM) and the spot rate, which in this context should be thought of as the spot interest rate. For example, the spot interest rate for Treasuries can be found on thespot rate Treasury curve. The spot in...
yield to maturity意思是到期收益率。coupon rate意思是票面利率。所谓到期收益,是指将债券持有到偿还期所获得的收益,包括到期的全部利息。到期收益率(Yield to Maturity,YTM)又称最终收益率,是投资购买国债的内部收益率,即可以使投资购买国债获得的未来现金流量的现值等于债券当前市价的贴现率。 它相当...
答案:yieldtomaturity与spot rate两者的主要区别在于定义和应用场景的不同。详细解释:Yield to Maturity:到期收益率是一种反映债券从购买日到到期日整个期间的收益率。它假设债券的买家将持有债券直至到期,并考虑所有的现金流。到期收益率反映了债券的潜在回报率,并考虑了债券的价格波动、利息支付以及到期...
1. Yield-to-Maturity :YTM代表债券的到期收益率,是投资者购买债券并持有至到期所获得的内部回报率。它反映了购买债券后获得的利息收入和债券价格变动带来的资本增值的综合效果。简单来说,如果投资者以某一价格购买债券并持有至到期,所获得的总收入与购买价格的差额所带来的年化回报率即为YTM。2. ...
Yield to Maturity与Coupon Rate是两种不同的概念,它们主要在计算方式和应用上有明显区别。详细解释:一、定义与概念 Coupon Rate,也称为息票率,是债券的固定年利率。它表示债券持有者每年从发行者那里获得的利息收益占债券面值的比例。而Yield to Maturity是反映债券从当前购买日到到期日的整体收益率,...