What role does differential reproduction play in natural selection? How can the bottleneck effect influence the gene pool? Can genetic drift have a stronger effect than natural selection? How do sexual and natural selection work together? How does natural selection lead to ...
Quantitative Biology - Populations and EvolutionThe paper discusses a connection between asymmetric reproduction -- that is reproduction in a parent-child relationship where the parent does not mutate during reproduction --, the fact that all non-viral lifeforms bear genes of their reproduction ...
In the next step, depending on the corresponding value of the cost function to each chromosome, the chromosomes participate in a reproduction process (i.e. crossover operation) where they act as parents. The lower be the value of the cost function, the higher the chance of the respective ...
Thus, when we use rules of histone and chromosomes behaviors, we consider DNA replication based negative rules. Example-5 in Table 3 includes keywords about chromosome behaviors such as "chromatin-remodeling"; however, these behaviors actually relate to DNA replication instead of gene expression. ...
Our findings suggest that minimum size for specific filter-feeding body plans may relate broadly to temporal restrictions on filtration rate and have implications for the evolution of filter feeding.This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution ...
Ecological and evolutionary processes simultaneously regulate microbial diversity, but the evolutionary processes and their driving forces remain largely unexplored. Here we investigated the ecological and evolutionary characteristics of microbiota in ho
How does effective population size relate to selection and genetic drift? Which of the following causes allele frequencies to fluctuate rapidly? a. natural selection b. genetic drift c. gene flow The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium represents an idealized, evolution-free popu...
Many studies have measured the interactions among pollinator behavior, floral-display size, and plant reproductive success, but few studies have been able to separate the effects of pollinator behavior and post-pollination processes on angiosperm sexual reproduction. In this study, we utilized the ...
Animals increase by orders of magnitude in volume during development. Therefore, small variations in growth rates among individuals could amplify to a large heterogeneity in size. By live imaging of C. elegans, we show that amplification of size heteroge
These last few values relate only to inter-operator variability, which is beyond the scope of the current analysis. The Z-score, however, was used extensively in both analysis and visualization, since it is directly related to the statistical significance of a given result and provides a scale...