In addition, the proportion of energy consumed by the communication system in the entire society is constantly increasing, which is also a problem that cannot be ignored. Thus the design and development of a 5G network should pay close attention to the energy consumption from the beginning, and...
year is part of the government's domestic borrowing program of P563.3 billion, of which P493.3 billion are in FXTBs and P70 billion in Treasury bills.The BSP, for its part, said the proposed tenors, if sold to domestic investors, will have no impact on the country's balance of paymen...
An interest rate is the price of debt for the borrower and the part of the expected return for the lender. Interest rates affect the total amount you pay for homes, cars, and other purchases made with credit. Example Imagine that you currently have $1,000 in a savings account that has ...
In our first scenario, we make two further assumptions. First, we assume that US$2,2 billion worth of Treasury Bills (TBs) issued during the 1:1 era due to mature this year will be converted to Zimdollar at 1:1, meaning banks will have no choice but take massive exchange losses. It...
mathematics Article Using Dynamic Adjusting NGHS-ANN for Predicting the Recidivism Rate of Commuted Prisoners Po-Chou Shih 1 , Chui-Yu Chiu 2 and Chi-Hsun Chou 3,4,* 1 Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; 2 ...
r side of a bending–twist-coupled graphite–epoxy plate, and thenTahceticvoenlcyepbtenofdththe elapmliantaeteudsipnlagtedaifbfoevrenwtiaasltpo iueszeolealmecintraitcedacitsuotartoipoinc.pAieszoaerleecsturilct, the in- heleermenenttbsebnodndinegd–otnweiistthcerousipdelinofgawbeonudldingth–...
As mass customization becomes more pervasive in many sectors, researchers need to update traditional approaches to the optimization of critical performance and design parameters in order to help companies in their effort to implement this strategy. In general, implementation of mass customization from a...
International Journal of Financial Studies Article A Logistic Regression Based Auto Insurance Rate-Making Model Designed for the Insurance Rate Reform Zhengmin Duan 1,*, Yonglian Chang 1, Qi Wang 1, Tianyao Chen 2 and Qing Zhao 3 1 College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing University, ...
energies Article Low-Temperature, Chemically Grown Titanium Oxide Thin Films with a High Hole Tunneling Rate for Si Solar Cells Yu-Tsu Lee 1, Fang-Ru Lin 1, Ting-Chun Lin 1, Chien-Hsun Chen 4 and Zingway Pei 1,2,3,* 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Hsing ...