earth rate correction 地球转速修正 earth rate unit 地球速率单位 rate correction 钟率改正 rate of correction 校正率 earth rate 地球自转速率 earth curvature correction 地球曲率改正 correction for earth curvature 地球曲率改正 correction rate of defect 缺陷矫治率 correction of the rate and bea...
3.Because of the earth curvature,target data need to be detected by the friend unit and sent to ship,but data errors affect the hit probability.远程化是反舰导弹的一个发展方向,由于地球曲率的影响,水面舰艇需依靠友方指示目标,目标指示数据的精度影响反舰导弹的命中概率。 延伸阅读 命中率1.射击﹑球类等...
In this paper we study the effect of curvature rate on the generated electric field at the focus point if the frequency and diameter are constants .We assume that the incident electromagnetic waves distributed uniformly on each point of the reflector surface ;hence we can imagine that this ...
网络释义 1. 校正率 校正抑制率... ... ) Curvature Correction 曲率校正 ) correct-rate 校正率 ) Correction for the Earth's ellipticity 椭率校正 ...|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,校正率 更多例句筛选 1. Response rate of recognition is a key factor for a speech recognition...
The local statistical behaviours of Nc, T1, T2, T3, (-D2), and f(D) have been analysed in terms of their marginal probability density functions (pdfs) and their joint pdfs with local tangential strain rate aT and curvature km. Detailed physical explanations have been provided for the ...
In this paper, we prove that the mean curvature blows up at the same rate asthe second fundamental form at the first singular time $T$ of any compact, TypeI mean curvature flow. For the mean curvature flow of surfaces, we obtainsimilar result provided that the Gaussian density is less th...
We investigate the scalar curvature behavior along the normalized conical K\"ahler-Ricci flow $\omega_t$, which is the conic version of the normalized K\"ahler-Ricci flow, with finite maximal existence time $T<\infty $. We prove that the scalar curvature of $\omega_t$ is bounded from...
Average Rate of Vertical Curvature - V AVG K (km/percent)更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 垂直曲率平均利率 - V平均ķ (公里/%)更多: 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 垂直曲率-V AVG K 的平均增长率 (km/percent)更多: ...
网络校正率 网络释义 1. 校正率 校正抑制率... ... ) Curvature Correction 曲率校正 )correct-rate校正率) Correction for the Earth's ellipticity 椭率校正 ...|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,校正率 更多例句筛选
arXiv:1607.03004v2 [math.DG] 15 Feb 2018BLOW-UP BEHAVIOR OF THE SCALAR CURVATUREALONG THE CONICAL K ¨ AHLER-RICCI FLOW WITH FINITETIME SINGULARITIESRYOSUKE NOMURAAbstract. We investigate the scalar curvature behavior along the normal-ized conical Kähler-Ricci f l ow ω t , which is the ...