rate of climb The rate of gain of vertical height per unit of time (i.e., feet/minute or meters/second). The rate of climb is normally calculated when an aircraft is climbing at its specified climbing speed and not in zoom climb. In helicopters, there are two rates of climb: the max...
rate of turn Acronyms Turn and slip indicator. The number of degrees of change of heading per second. It is proportional to the angle of bank, IAS (indicated air speed), and appliedg. A standard rate of turn or rate 1 turn is 3° per second, or it takes 1 min to turn through 180...
USE/ADVANTAGE - In aviation, more precise measurements of altitude and speed of climb or descent are made with preprogrammable fixed settings and intermittent audible indications for perceptibility.QUINKE ARNOLD HEINRICHDE4236357A1 1992年10月28日 1993年5月13日 Quinke Arnold Heinrich Barometric ...
USE/ADVANTAGE - In aviation, more precise measurements of altitude and speed of climb or descent are made with preprogrammable fixed settings and intermittent audible indications for perceptibility.QUINKE, ARNOLD HEINRICH, HORW, CH