Rate-dependence of atrial tachycardia effects on atrial refractoriness and atrial fibrillation maintenance. Cardiovasc Res. 2009;81:90-97.Shiroshita-Takeshita A, Mitamura H, Ogawa S. et al. Rate-de- pendence of atrial tachycardia effects on atrial refractoriness and atrial fibrillation maintenance...
Related to Rapid heart rate: tachycardiatach·y·car·di·a (tăk′ĭ-kär′dē-ə) n. A rapid heart rate, especially one above 100 beats per minute in an adult. [tachy- + Greek kardiā, heart; see cardia.] tach′y·car′di·ac (-dē-ăk) adj. & n. American Heritage®...
paroxysmal atrial ___→___ auricular paroxística; reflex ___→___ refleja; sinus ___→___ sinusal; supraventricular ___→___ supraventricular; ventricular ___→___ ventricular. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 tachycardia ...
Where bradycardia is a slower-than-usual heart rhythm, tachycardia is a faster-than-usual heart rhythm. Generally, this is faster than 100 beats per minute. Heart Basics Your heart has four chambers, two on the top called atria and two on the bottom called ventricles. In your upper right...
A slower heart rate is called bradycardia, a faster — tachycardia. In children, normal heart rate ranges change as the child gets older. During physical activities (for example, training), our heart beats faster to ensure that our muscles receive enough oxygen supply. The bigger the effort ...
Types of arrhythmias include tachycardia, which is a regular acceleration of the heart rate; bradycardia, a regular slowing of the heart rate; and premature atrial or ventricular beats, which are extra contractions within otherwise normal heart rhythm. While occasional irregularities are normal, prolong...
Atrial or supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) SVT is a fast heart rate that originates in the upper chambers of the heart (atria) and disrupts electrical signals coming from the sinoatrial node, which acts as the natural pacemaker of the heart. It causes an irregular, fast heart rate, resulting...
There are two types of dangerous heart rates: Too high – Called tachycardia, it’s a heart rate consistently above 100 beats per minute. Too low – Called bradycardia, it’s a heart rate below 60 beats per minute (when you’re not an athlete). If your heart rate is too high or too...
The increased pulse rate of newborns and infants can be explained primarily by the high metabolic rates that decline with age.11 More on this topic: Resting pulse – What it tells you Pulse rate too high If the pulse rate is too high, this is called tachycardia. In adults, the pulse rat...
paroxysmal atrial ___→___ auricular paroxística; reflex ___→___ refleja; sinus ___→___ sinusal; supraventricular ___→___ supraventricular; ventricular ___→___ ventricular. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 tachycardia ...