Overall Morningstar Rating for Floating Rate Income Fund, as of Jan 31, 2025 rated against 211 Bank Loan Funds based on risk adjusted total return. Lipper Leader Lipper Leader Ratings Consistent Return Expense Preservation Total Return Overall Lipper Leaders ratings based on an equal-weighted average...
Duke Energy's $1 billion proposal to use securitization to meetstorm recovery expensesin North Carolina provides the criteria necessary for the commission to evaluate Duke Energy's proposed transactions, Duke spokesperson Meredith Archie said in an email. It allows the commission "to dete...
Some years ago, before I knew that "Rate My Professors" even existed, I found and looked at its page of comments about someone I knew. (I had a googled him to find his email address, and the "Rate My Professors" page was the first hit on Google.) What ...
Recruitment and Consent Figure1provides a flowchart of recruitment and retention throughout the study. Emails were sent to 185 participants from the CHAMPS Registry who met inclusion criteria (exclusion criteria were determined during informed consent interviews). Using the Booking app, links were includ...
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