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网络评价我的教授;给教授评分;帮我的教授打分数 网络释义
2) ratemyprofessors DOES NOT WORK for those who are doing a Master's or PhD Program. Master Students or PhD Students CANNOT use ratemyprofessor to evaluate their thesis/dissertation research advisor (aka. PI, which is a professor). Rate My Professors NEEDS to have this feature for Master ...
RateMyProfessors.com" ratings of the easiness, helpfulness, clarity, overall quality, and "hotness" of 407 criminal justice and criminology faculty members from across the United States were collected. Data were analyzed to determine what faculty characteristics determined these ratings. Experience workin...
Don't claim that the professor shows bias or favoritism for or against students. Don’t forget to proof read!View all guidelines 0/350 By clicking the "Submit" button, I acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the Rate My Professors Site Guidelines, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. ...
Rate My Prof A tool to help students (and all others interested) make more meaningful queries about universities and their professors on the scraped data found from theRate My Professors Official Site. Note: This was implemented with the assumption that theRate My Professors APIis still functional...
Johnson, R. R., & Crews, A. D. (2013). My professor is hot! Correlates of RateMyProfessors.com ratings for criminal justice and criminology faculty members. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 639- 656. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12103-012-9186-y...
Previous studies employing numeric scores have observed that anonymous postings on the Rate-My-Professor (RMP) site tend to be more negative than ratings within a school. In this study, rather than using numeric evaluations, we compared the official UNIV evaluations with the RMP evaluations at the...
Rate My Professor 网址:http://www.ratemyprofessors.com 或者直接搜索Rate My Professor也可以哦。 还没有选课和正在选课的同学可以参考里面对professor的评价来决定自己的选课结果。 已经上完某门课程的同学可以到里面对你的教授点赞或者吐槽! 但是!但是!但是!