2018年,杜克大学在美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. News)全美大学综合排名中位列第9,在美国南部居于首位、在泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education)位列全美第5。 最后,Rate My Professor虽然可以让学生们更直观的了解到大学课堂和教授的情况,但是也并不完美,所以还需理性考量,如果有条件,还是建议大家去试听一下,没有人...
美帝大学生最喜欢的10所大学,Rate my professor选出的第一居然是…. 在国外,有一个叫做“教授评价网”(Rate My Professor)正风靡全美各大院校,这个网站号称罗列了全美100万名大学的任课教师接受学生点评。学生可以对每一位曾选过...
Ralf Rapp is a professor in the Physics department at Texas A&M University at College Station - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
截止2018年10月,密大校友、教授及研究人员中包括1位美国总统、25位诺贝尔奖得主 、6位图灵奖得主、8位美国国家航空航天局宇航员、18位普利策奖得主、25名罗兹学术奖得主、30多位各个大学的校长、上百位文艺娱乐界明星、上千位著名运动员等等。 9. 德克萨斯A&M大学 Texas A&M University 德克萨斯A&M大学(Texas A...
Rate My Professor,一家基于学生反馈的最好的给大学教授评估和打分的网站,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。该网站发布了一个年度大学排名,一起来看看美国学生心仪的大学有哪些,有没有你喜欢的?
Hong Qiao is a professor in the Biology department at University of Texas at Austin - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Texas Christian University Clemson University, SC As you can see from the list, students attending schools in the South seem particularly pleased with their professors and campuses. Eleven out of the 25 schools are from the South. The students who attend two campuses at Brigham Young University,...
Rate my professor 美国有一个学生极其热衷的网站:Rate my professor.这个网站基于学生们的评价给美国大学的教授们打分,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。这个网站是大学生用来给大学教授进行打分评论的,评价的方面包括老师是否对你有帮助、讲课是否清晰、上课氛围...
Texas $106,748 Utah $103,695 Virginia $109,365 Vermont $106,966 Washington $117,543 Wisconsin $107,730 West Virginia $98,134 How much does salary of Professor - Education vary from city to city? Salaries in the United States can vary greatly between cities due to factors likecost...
The future decline rate will depend on many factors including the price of oil, my guess is that it will be between 1.1%/year and 4.7%/year. At 4.7% output in Texas would fall 210 kb/d over the next 12 months, the Bakken may fall about 200 kb/d, the rest of the lower 48 onsh...