American actress Melissa Gilbert (as Laura Ingalls) holds a baby doll in a scene from the episode 'Be My Friend' of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie,' based on the 'Little House' book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1978. The episode originally aired on August 7, 1978...
American actress Melissa Gilbert (as Laura Ingalls) holds a baby doll in a scene from the episode 'Be My Friend' of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie,' based on the 'Little House' book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1978. The episode originally aired on August 7, 1978...
American actress Melissa Gilbert (as Laura Ingalls) holds a baby doll in a scene from the episode 'Be My Friend' of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie,' based on the 'Little House' book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1978. The episode originally aired on August 7, 1978...
American actress Melissa Gilbert (as Laura Ingalls) holds a baby doll in a scene from the episode 'Be My Friend' of the television series 'Little House on the Prairie,' based on the 'Little House' book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1978. The episode originally aired on August 7, 1978...