With Ron’s graphs not being available, and the RCC raw data being more confusing than helpful, Dean’s data is should be able give us some guidance. Dennis Coyne 04/29/2016 at 8:24 am Hi Toolpush, Are you looking for the RRC charts? I think the RRC data is not very useful, b...
thisotuhgohutgthotbtoe boneeonoef tohfe thmeomstoismt ipmoprtoarnttanfatcftaocrtsorths atht atffaefcftectht ethleealekaakgaegreartaetoefomf meteatla-tlo-t-om-meteatlaslesaelasls[2[32–32–52]5]ananddis isththeefofoccuussooffrreesseeaarrcchhffoorr lleeaakkaaggee and sealing performance ...