Ratemyprofessor.com 瀏覽數:2,172 這個網站在兩年前剛推出時,著實讓所有學校的老師們都一湧而上,想要看看自己的評價,該站在不同的學校裡有駐點的學生,負責發小傳單,鼓勵學生上去評價自己的教授。可惜的是,在台灣還沒有人做這樣的網站呢! 總之,這裡面搜羅了幾乎是美國的所有學校都有,教授名字只要你知道,就可能...
Professor Solt is one of the best professors at NYU. Doing even half of the readings will help you understand what he says greatly. I can also see that some people might feel bored during the lecture, but that happens in any lectures. Take his class ...
Jessica is the best journalism professor I've had at NYU. I learned so much during her class and although my first stories were a bit rocky, she acted as an editor to me to help me focus and work through them for greater clarity. There was a mix of reporting during her class. I am...
So he didn't teach my class, but he accidentally started lecturing in the room I was in. He seemed nervous since it was his first day but it was cute and on top of that he's cute too :) 是这个吗XDD Go Professor T-MOS! You're nerdy in a cool way, and I love your tweed ...
Let's face it, much as we love him, Ross Geller was not a very good professor of paleontology at NYU... He faked a British accent, gave a bad undergraduate a great grade because he said he loved him, and then dated one of his actual students. Although he did do a killer ...
Get insights into the acceptance rate trends at New York University. Understand the factors that influence admission and how to strengthen your application.
(2) using the resulting interest coverage ratio to estimate a “synthetic” rating that aligns with the appropriate credit rating category. While Moody’s and S&P ratings criteria are available to subscribers, Professor Aswath Damodaran of the Stern School of Business at NYU routinely publishes ...
Tendaupenyu et al., 2017 found a strong negative correlation (ρ = −0.67) between forest and human population growth in UMSC. The results indicate that the decrease in forest area was accompanied by an increase in human population in the catchment. Also, load shedding and high costs of ...
Chris Leslie is a professor in the English department at NYU Tandon School of Engineering - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
Rate: AndrewPapanicolaou Finance ·NYU Tandon School of Engineering Select Course Code* Select Course Code This is an online course Rate your professor* 1 - Awful 5 - Awesome How difficult was this professor?* 1 - Very Easy 5 - Very Difficult Would you take this professor again?* Yes ...