宾夕法尼亚州立大学 Pennsylvania State University 宾夕法尼亚州立大学是美国工业工程专业的发源地,根据2019USnews全美专业排名,其工业工程本科教育位列全美第9,研究生教育位列全美第6。校友曾获得诺贝尔奖、普利策奖、菲尔兹奖、麦克阿瑟天才奖等众多奖项。宾夕法尼亚州立大学主校区一共有14个学院,提供超过170个专业。
She is a decent professor but makes you come to online class and holds them every day at the scheduled time. There are no late assignments and the tests are not super difficult if you study. The exam is cumulative, which is the first cumulative exam I've had at my four years at Miam...
Patrick Murphy is a professor in the English department at Miami University - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
23.科罗拉多大学University of Colorado-Boulder 总体得分:4.2 地理位置:4.7 食物:3.7 教授:4.5 安全性:4.0 幸福指数:4.6 24.俄亥俄州立大学The Ohio State University 总体得分:4.2 地理位置:4.4 食物:3.8 教授:4.5 安全性:3.9 幸福指数:4.4 25.杜克大学Duke University 总体得分:4.4 地理位置:4.1 食物:3.9 教授...
This class was very challenging for me however, Professor Beer helped me through it. He is one of the most caring, intelligent, and fair professors Ive ever met. I would talk to him ab what was going on in my life & how that was affecting me in class and he gave me advice. The ...