rate my professor highest rated schools Rate My Professor,一家基于学生反馈的最好的给大学教授评估和打分的网站,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。 美国有一个学生极其热衷的网站:Rate my professor,学生们热衷于到这个网站对学校、教授进行打分、评论。
这个网站最近又搞事情了,根据各大高校学生们给出的的评分,对全美上千所大学进行了一个叫做“Highest Rated Schools ”的排名,也就是在美国学生心目中评分最高的大学排名。 一起来看看美国学生最心仪的大学有哪些吧。 1. 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 总体得分:4.5 地理位置:4.6 食物:4.2 安全性:4.1 幸福指数:4.7 2....
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Rate my professor 美国有一个学生极其热衷的网站:Rate my professor.这个网站基于学生们的评价给美国大学的教授们打分,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。这个网站是大学生用来给大学教授进行打分评论的,评价的方面包括老师是否对你有帮助、讲课是否清晰、上课氛围...
Mathematics professor Neelesh Tiruviluamala is the highest-rated professor at USC, according to the user-generated ranking platform RateMyProfessors.com. His profile reveals tags that recognize him for his “amazing lectures,” his “caring” and “hilarious” nature and his ability to provide stud...
Here's where you can find themethodology for RateMyProfessors' best schools. And here's where you can find the new list of the 25 highest rated professor in the country, according to RateMyProfessor. The No. 1 teacher is a business professor atSan Jose State University. ...
Thankfully, there are many sites where it’s possible to do both. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best places to not only rate your teacher or professor but also learn about teachers that others have rated. Contents[show] ...
Cimpian hypothesized that fields where professionals agreed that talent equals success would have proportionally fewer women. He and his team were right. Fields like math, physics, and philosophy had the fewest women and the highest endorsement of raw talent as being the primary determinant of succe...
as far as attracting good professors to your university and rewarding them. If more students are constantly signing up for the highest ranked professors’ courses, this should send a fairly clear message to top university brass. Now if only they could read clear messages from rate my professor...
WHO IS GOING TO RATE MY PAPER You might ask, “Who is going to rate my writing?” Such concerns are understandable as anyone definitely wants to ensure that such an intricate task as rating is done on the highest level. EduBirdie will do that with pleasure! First, we have a special pap...