I'm a junior, and Professor Lee is maybe my favorite professor that I've had so far! The material for this class isn't particularly exciting, but Professor Lee keeps lecture from being boring. The whole class is structured in a way that makes it very easy to understand and learn. ...
Rate My Professor 评分:3.5/5 难易程度:★★★ 授课水平:★★★ 综合推荐:★★★ Debbie Lee 课程难度中等偏上,Debbie的授课思路非常清晰,每堂课的知识点都被塞的满满当当。学生在课堂上可以学到很多东西,同时也需要课后多花时间消化。Debbie有六次quiz,三次exam,所以从第二周开始几乎每周都有考试。需注意的...