hard MT, but not entirely her fault coz it's common MT. SUPER NICE. Clearest notes i'v ever seen from UBC profs. it's her first time teaching but she is already a very good teacher. tells jokes to class to keep us awake.
Definitely one of the best profs at UBC RespectedInspirationalCaring Helpful 0 0 Quality 5.0 Difficulty 2.0 APSC101 Jun 12th, 2016 For Credit: Yes Would Take Again: Yes Grade: A Textbook: No Really good prof and has fantastic communication skills. He actually cares about the course he is ...
【CPSC 322】 水度: 100% Prof: http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=28731 Course Website: http://people.cs.ubc.ca/~conati/322/322-2013W2/course-page.html 如果是上过一些基础课比如121, 221 这节课会非常的水 可能因为是introduction的course,教的都是非常基本的search,prob...
Thanks to him, I could improve my writing skills a lot Tough graderParticipation mattersAmazing lectures Helpful 0 0 Quality 5.0 Difficulty 3.0 ENGL101 Nov 1st, 2022 For Credit: Yes Attendance: Mandatory Would Take Again: Yes Grade: A- Textbook: Yes I am currently studying at UBC and I ...