目前,OpenAI API一共有6个用户层级,免费的一种(Free),付费的五种(Tier 1 – Tier 5),每种层级(TIER)的要求和金额限制(USAGE LIMITS)如下: 这里整理了OpenAI不同用户层级的速率限制,对于这些限制有每个模型的例外情况(例如,一些旧模型或具有更大上下文窗口的模型有不同的速率限制)。要查看您账户每个模型的确切...
网络等级限制 网络释义 1. 等级限制 ...的一小时内进行数量有限的调用,即 Twitter等级限制(rate-limits) 请求(目前不超过每小时 150 个),这意味着,使用到一 … www.ibm.com|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,等级限制
Endpoint rate limits External Content API limits Offset pagination limits Job limit Apps rate limit Account limit Notwithstanding the limits specified in this document, the system might still limit requests if it detects an unusual spike in requests from all sources for the account, including internal...
For methods supportingcursored pagination, the rate limit given applies when you'reusingpagination. If you're not, you'll receive stricter rate limits—for example, you'll be allowed to make fewer requests if you attempt to fetch all ofusers.listwithout pagination. ...
Be aware that Spotify does sometimes implement other limits outside of the API-wide rate limit. A few API endpoints, like the playlist image upload endpoint, have a custom rate limit that may differ from your app-wide rate limit. See the body of your API response from Spotify for more ...
These rate limits protect our service from issues that may arise when a single user generates too much traffic. The number of API calls that a user can make in a minute is limited as described below. These limits apply to all Box user accounts and are the most common. Generally, they ar...
Rate Limits In Headers Limits To help prevent strain on Trello’s servers, our API imposes rate limits per API key for all issued tokens. There is a limit of300 requests per 10 seconds for each API keyand100 requests per 10 second interval for each token. Additionally, there is a limit...
For more detailed information about rate limits, see "Rate limiting" for REST API and "Resource limitations" for GraphQL API.
被limits 装饰以后,call_api这个函数在15分钟内最多只能调用15次,超出后就会报错。 1. RateLimitDecorator 1.1 用类实现装饰器 我看了一下源码,作者的实现非常的简单,从ratelimit引入的limits 其实是一个类 代码语言:javascript 复制 limits=RateLimitDecorator ...
速率限制可阻止过度使用或滥用Web 属性的用户、机器人或应用程序。速率限制可以阻止某些类型的机器人攻击。 学习中心 什么是机器人? 机器人攻击 机器人管理 机器人的类型 theNET 学习目标 阅读本文后,您将能够: 了解速率限制的目的 了解速率限制的工作原理 ...