关闭Discord应用再重新打开、退出Discord账户再重新登录、卸载Discord应用再重新安装最新版本并登录、重启设备再打开Discord应用……这些方法都可以尝试。 二、规避Discord速率限制 1.尽量避免验证错误 当出现“You Are Being Rate Limited”提示的弹窗时,往往伴随电话号码的验证,仔细输入验证码,尽量减少验证错误的次数。 2....
If none of the workarounds mentioned above work the rate-limited ban might be because of violating one or more Discord policies. Generally, Discord rate limits the user accounts suspected of spamming and it cannot be undone by trying these simple tricks. In this case, you are recommended to ...
“You are being rate limited” or “The resource is being rate limited” are the most irritating error messages to get in Discord. So let’s take a look at how to fix it. And though we say fix, being rate limited isn’t a bug or an error. It’s a protection mechanism to...
The “The Resource Is Being Rate Limited” error on Discord means you’ve made too many repeated actions in a short period, such as entering incorrect verification codes or making rapid API requests. Discord temporarily restricts access to prevent spam or abuse. The main cause of this error is...
Discord Rate Limited Fix Rate Limits in Discord will be implemented on the account & route you are using. This means once you get the message, anyone else using the same wifi or internet may also get the “You Are Being Rate Limited” message. So if this is happening to you, then don...
Why Do Discord ‘Rate Limited’ Errors Occur? As said, errors occur when you repeat the action many times in a short period. For example, you enter the text verification, and it doesn’t work. Then, you reenter it a few times and get booted out. ...
Discord is a VOIP app that was initially designed for gamers, it is free, and it is easy to use. If you are using the app, and you get the message saying, “You are being rate limited,” it means that you have tried a specific action too many t
The Error 1015 Discord rate limited means your connection is being rate limited. The error occurs when a user performs a single action repeatedly or multiple times. This happens mostly when a user needs to perform a mobile verification process before entering a server. Failing to complete the ve...
The rate limit feature on Discord prevents users from spamming and service overloading. When you perform some action multiple times, Discord might rate limit you and send you the “The resource is being rate limited.” error message. It usually happens when it detects any possible suspicious ac...
How to Bypass the "Rate Limited" Restriction on Discord To bypass the "rate limited" restriction, follow these steps: First, ensure a temporary glitch hasn't caused the problem. Restart the Discord app and your device, log out of Discord and log back in, and reconnect the internet connectio...