出生于1937年12月28日,在印度孟买(当时为英属印度的孟买管辖区)的一个帕西人琐罗亚斯德教家庭。他的父亲Naval Tata被Ratanji Tata(塔塔集团创始人Jamsetji Tata的儿子)收养,因此他与塔塔家族有紧密联系。1961年加入塔塔集团,最初在塔塔钢铁的车间工作。后来逐渐在集团中崭露头角,于1991年在J.R.D. Tata退休后,...
ByLive News Daily Oct 10, 2024 Spread the love Ratan Tata, the iconic former chairman of Tata Sons, has long been a symbol of resilience and innovation in India’s corporate landscape. Recently, he opened up about his childhood experiences, the profound effects of his parents’ divorce, ...
"We intend to scale up the operations across geographies. With our state-of-the-art operations and trained professionals backed by the use of the most innovative technologies available today, Mailit expects an upward trajectory from here on," he added. The Tata Sons chairman emeritus has been ...
While lauding the efforts of Generic Aadhaar Founder Arjun Deshpande in reaching out to 100 plus cities through its generic drug retail stores in the country, Ratan Tata said, “We need to be concerned about the health of our people. It's good that we are now reaching to the masses and ...
Ratan N. Tata. His significant discharges have been Indica and Nano in India. Today, Tata Group's 65% of the income originates from abroad. After the advancement of controls during the 1990s, the Tata Group of Companies made extraordinary progress, which again is credited to Ratan N. Tata...
Modi presented the 'ASSOCHAM Enterprise of the Century Award' to Ratan Tata, who received the award on behalf of the TATA Group. SELECTIONS FROM OUR ARCHIVES Muhammad Yunus takes charge of Govt in B'desh: Who's Muhammad Yunus? ALL ISMs APART, WHO IS Muhammad Yunus? Aside from a Nobel...