Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> have your dou...harbour suspi...mistrust some...distrust some...doubt someonesmell a ratbreak your wordwelsh onbreak a promiseback out ofdefault onrat on someth...clypeinculpatespill your gutsput the finge...narkrat ...
throw the bum out you cowardly little pukes! the British call a contemptible person a `git' Synonym: rotterdirty dogskunkstinkerstinkpotbumpukecrumblowlifescum bagso-and-sogit 5. someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike
Bad mouth - to talk badly about someone"Oh my god, look at Jane's dress. It's so ugly! She has terrible fashion sense."Rat on someone - to tell a secret about someone so they get in trouble. Usually used in context of criminals. Synonym is "to snitch"."Quick, get out of here....
Cop-out We love to hear the wren's noisy chatter when someone gets too close, or listen to the woodpecker's rat-a-tat-tat in the trees. Back yard is entertaining: what more could a person want from my favorite garden? the not very good looking, rat-a-tat-tat talking, conniving, ...