Swan, Use of a body condition score technique to assess health status in a rat model of polycystic kidney disease, J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. 49 (2010) 155-159.Hickman DL, Swan M. Use of a body condition score technique to assess health status in a rat model of polycystic ...
To locate and quantify infarction, the wall motion score index was calculated based on echocardiography measurements taken 7 days after MI. M-mode acquisitions were performed in parasternal incidence (short axis) at the base, in the middle, and at the apex of the LV. Systolic function was ...
Body weight and clinical score, burrowing behaviour, balance beam performance and the SDNN during the light phase significantly decreased on the last day (endpoint) compared to the previous day. Remarkably, only for body weight, clinical score and SDNN 100% of individual animals paralleled the effe...
At that time-point, functional outcome was evaluated according to the modified Rankin Scale (mRS); patients with a mRS score from 0 to 2 were classified as “good outcome” group and patients with a mRS from 3 to 6 as “poor outcome” group. Blood samples from all patients were drawn ...
When several diffsets could be summarized, the diffset with the least number of missing values was retained with all its annotations including retention time, m/z ratio, sequence, score, protein annotation; intensity values from other filtered diffsets were transferred into the retained diffset. ...
All behaviour was manually scored using BORIS [27] or in-house software Z-score (created by O. Hardt). Stimfit software [28] combined with custom-written Matlab scripts (A. Jackson) were used for whole-cell patch-clamp data analysis. mEPSCs were analysed for the final 3 min of the 10...
Animals that received hUCB-MSCs showed good neurological recovery independently of the administration route, intrathecal or intravenous, without significant differences in neurological score. Figure 4 Therapeutic effects of hUCB-MSC administration on recovery in the ischemic animal model. Performance in the...
Embryoid body EGF: Epidermal growth factor ESC: Embryonic stem cell FITC: Fluorescein isothiocyanate GFAP: Glial fibrillary acidic protein iPSC: Induced pluripotent stem cell LIF: Leukemia inhibitory factor MCAO: Middle cerebral artery occlusion MEF: Mouse embryonic fibroblast NSC: Neural st...
(Xcontrol) or treatment (Xtreatment) condition. We next z-transformed each raw metabolite production score (Xraw) to calculate the TIMBR production score (Xs) for that metabolite, which we compared with the global metabolic profiling data to assess whether its level had increased or decreased ...
The maximum score for each paw was 15, providing the highest arthritis score of 60. The researchers (MD, NAR) assigned to evaluate the disease development were blinded to the experimental design. Preparation of cells. On the 21st d.p.i. dLNs (popliteal) were isolated from rats deeply...